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Tirane, Albania, Albania
Shkolla nderkombetare e Arkitektures dhe e Politikave te Planifikimit Urban

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Revival of City Squares in Balkan Cities - Round Table #1 “Public Artworks, Public Speaking”

Revival of City Squares in Balkan Cities - Round Table #1 “Public Artworks, Public Speaking”

In the frame of the project Revival of City Square in Balkan Cities, we would like to invite you to the
Round Table #1 “Public Artworks, Public Speaking”
at Polis University; Wednesday 02 of May 2012
You are kindly requested to see the attached material for further details.

RCSBC staff

Në kuadër të projektit "Revival of City Squares in Balkan Cities", jeni të ftuar në tryezën e rrumbullakët Nr. 1 "Public Artworks, Public Speaking"
Te Mërkurën më 02 Maj 2012, në Universitetin POLIS.
Për detaje të mëtejshme jeni të lutur të shihni materialin bashkangjitur.

Stafi i RCSBC

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Watch a movie at U_POLIS

Të dashur studentë, miq dhe kolegë,
Në takimin e radhës me Cine_POLIS, ditën e Enjte, datë 26 Prill 2012 ora 17.00 ju ftojmë për të parë : “Parrullat” nga regjizori Gjergj Xhuvani, i cili do të jetë i ftuari për këtë javë.
Ndërsa ditën e Premte, datë 27 Prill 2012 ora 10:10, do të shfaqet : Blade Runner” , film nga Ridley Scott.
Ju urojmë shikim të këndshëm!

Dear students, friends and colleagues,
We have the pleasure to invite you at Cine_POLIS next sessions, on Thursday April 26th 2012 at 5 pm, to see: “ Slogans “ a film by Gjergji Xhuvani, who is also the guest for this week.
While on Friday April 27th 2012 at 10.10 am we’ll see : “Blade Runner”, a film by Ridley Scott.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Designed Life at ARCH House


Të dashur të gjithë,
Jeni të ftuar sot, e Premte 13 Prill 2012 në Arch_House, në një mbrëmje argëtuese e cila vijon si më poshtë :

Në orën 21.00 - 22.00  E kemi quajtur " Designed Life " sepse do të ketë një ekspozitë me objekte industriale të dizenjuara nga designer të famshëm, do të jenë aty fizikisht, karrige, abazhure etj. Do të jetë si një përplasje e designit industrial kundrejt gjërave që janë bërë me dorë tek Arch_House. E gjithë kjo, e shqëruar nën tingujte e violinës, ku do të performojë Alba live :). Do të ketë verë, shoqëruar me brusketa.

Pas orës 22.00 White Sensation Party, ku ndriçimi enkas për këtë event si dhe veshja juaj e bardhe (dress code), shto ketu dhe muzikën më të mirë të luajtur nga Dj. Enis do të krijojnë një atmosferë elektrizuese. Sigurisht do të bëjmë dhe Treniiiin, traditë tashmë në Arch_ House.

Ndërkohë pas orës 24.00 Do të ketë edhe barbeque në zgarë në ambjentet jashtë Arch_Hous-it ku do të shërbehen salçiçe të ndryshme, qoftë etj. për të gjithë të uriturit.
Pjesën tjetër po ja u lëmë juve. Eja, frymëzohu, kërce :)

Adresa : Arch House , Kodra e Ben Mjaltit. Peze helmez, 8 km nga Kombinati Info Eventi : https://www.facebook.com/events/381741825191517/

Jeni të mirëpritur!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Cine_POLIS : "Perralle nga e Kaluara" dhe "Path of Glory"

Të dashur miq dhe kolegë,
kemi kënaqësinë t’ju ftojmë në takimin e radhës me Cine_POLIS, ditën e Enjte, datë 5 Prill 2012 ora 17.00 për të parë filmin “ Përrallë nga e kaluara ” nga regjisori Dhimitër Anagnosti. Pas filmit do të jetë e ftuar aktorja Elvira Diamanti, e cila do t’ju përgjigjet pyetjeve të studentëve.
Ndërsa ditën e Premte datë 6 Prill 2012 ora 10:00 do të shfaqet “Paths of Glory”, nga Stanley Kubrick.
Ju urojmë shikim të këndshëm!

Dear friends and colleagues,
We have the pleasure to invite you to Cine_POLIS next sessions, on Thursday April 5th 2012 at 5 pm, to see “ Përrallë nga e kaluara ” by Dhimitër Anagnosti.
After the movie, the invited actress Elvira Diamanti, will answer to some of the students questions.
While on Friday April 6th 2012 at 10.10 am there will be “ Paths of Glory”, a film by Stanley Kubrick.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Open Forum :- Tirana, im Land der Skiptaren - By Arch. Markus Tomaselli, TU Vienna Austria.

POLIS University, has the pleasure to invite you on the Urban Forum: - Tirana, im Land der Skiptaren -  By Arch. Markus Tomaselli, TU Vienna Austria. On Tuesday 3rd 2012 Auditorium A3.
In October 2010, both Albanian and Austrian students, worked for one week on two intersections and interventions in the informal settlements in the north of Tirana.
We are glad to present the publication of the workshop results his afternoon.
The booklet contains the results of the Albanian-Austrian team collaboration, as well as an edited version of the projects compiled by the Austrian participants.
This is followed by a presentation of the works that were continued in the subsequent summer term.
We inform you that after the forum, there will be a Polis bus for the transport.


Poster Competition : Tirana Architecture Week

This is a competition open internationally to all students of fine arts and design, professional artists and designers. The goal is to bring a new global reflection regarding urban and social issues in Tirana, to promote new artists/designers as well as to show a new way of communication in the Albanian society where design is not properly established.

Artists/designers will be free to express their creativity and show their concepts through a poster in any or all of the themes bellow:
1. [Re]Appropriation of the City – Tirana
2. Revival of the City Squares in Balkan Cities
3. Surrealism Fashion
4. I.C.O.N.S : Image of Chaos and Order in a New Society
Submitted posters should express a clear concept related to social and urban issues.

There will be four different awards for the first four winners:
1st prize.............1000 EUR
2nd prize..............600 EUR
3rd prize...............400 EUR
4th prize...............200 EUR

- All posters must be created by an individual artist/designer rather than a team.
- The artwork must be original and not submitted, before or during this event, to another event or publishing house. It should be not clearly identifiable as imitative of any existing art or artist.
- Poster size must be 70x100cm- vertical format.
- For the first submission, posters resolution should be at minimum 72 dpi. After the selection process, selected works should be sent with resolution of minimum 300 dpi .
- Color mode for all designs: CMYK.
- Maximum file size for the first round of submission is 5 MB.
- Technique is freestyle but in the end it should go through any of the Adobe Systems Software Family in any of its versions and it should be put into the requested electronic file format (.PDF or .TIFF).
- The participant is free to choose one or even all topics but should not submit more than one poster per topic.
- Each entry file must be named with the title of the selected topic.
- Together with the poster(s) the author must attach a text document of his/her short BIO. This document must be named with his/her full name.
- All submitted posters become the property of the Polis University and some of the selected ones will be printed in high sized banners, published in MAD Magazine and FORUM A+P Magazine. One copy of the magazines will be sent to each participant at the end of the competition.
- Author's name will be associated with the piece in every occasion it is published.

15 March – 1 June / Open Call:
/period of submissions, questions & answers/
All the artworks must be sent with all the characteristics mentioned at “Rules” section at the mail: pctaw@tiranaarchitectureweek.com.

15 June – 31 July
/ Selection:
/period of the selection of the best artworks/
Selected artists/designers will be asked to re-send their work(s) in 300 dpi resolution together with a text document which must include the full name, address, telephone and email address.
The files must be sent at: pctaw@tiranaarchitectureweek.com or by a CD at the address:
Universiteti Polis
Rr. Bylis 12, Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km 5, Kashar
Kodi Postar 1051, Kutia Postare 2995, Tirana, Albania

15 August – 20 September / Jurying:
/period when the jury will chose the four winners/
The winners will be contacted privately by email and will be asked to participate on the final exhibition ceremony.

1 October / Ceremony:
The ceremony will be held in the venues of Polis University where the board will declare the winning posters. Artists/designers will be present to carry their prizes.

1 October – 30 October / Exhibition: